Nature Positive investment opportunities through solar parks 2

Nature Positive investment opportunities through solar parks <span>continued</span>


1. To review and synthesise the range of Nature Positive outcomes from solar parks, including indicators and metrics currently used by different stakeholders for biodiversity, natural capital, and ecosystem service reporting.

2. To select metrics for quantifying the extent of Nature Positive outcomes and their economic value, that would be best suited for Nature Positive reporting and embedding into financial systems.

3. To understand the wider benefits and values associated with Nature Positive reporting and business opportunities arising from these.

4. To set up a community of research and practice on Nature Positive solar park investment.


Nature Positive indicators need to be standardised, representative, auditable and well- suited to showing trends over time.

Nature Positive indicators need to provide meaningful data that are relevant to high-level disclosure requirements across a portfolio of assets, and demonstrate tangible benefits to a wide range of stakeholders.

We identified a suite of indicators that would be best suited to the monitoring and reporting of Nature Positive actions at individual solar farms.

These indicators, which are detailed in our industry guidance, map well on to existing nature and sustainability disclosure frameworks, across the categories of ecosystem extent, ecosystem connectivity, ecosystem condition, ecosystem services, and engagement.

Adopting Nature Positive indicators into business practice and reporting can also deliver reputational value, and is of wider benefit to society and the environment.


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