Our Research

Ongoing Work

Opportunities for Nature Positive transitions in solar and other renewables.

April 2024 – April 2026

We are working alongside 16 other institutions within the £3m UKRI-funded Integrating Finance and Biodiversity Hub. The Hub is seeking to build UK capability bridging scientific, finance, policy and third sector communities, to catalyse the greening of finance for nature, and mobilisation of capital for nature recovery.

Within the Hub, our work is seeking to advance the adoption of Nature Positive policy and practice in the renewables sector, contributing to the Hub’s flagship initiatives around financing green sector transitions and financing biodiversity.


To investigate financing transitions in clean energy and agriculture, exploring how solar can potentially enhance land use efficiency through dual use of land, and provide triple-win solutions for agriculture, clean energy and biodiversity.

To develop a small number of key decision-grade metrics, potentially including composite metrics, which could meet the requirements of a nature investment fund, and hence make progress towards formalising a return from nature in the solar industry.

To extend our work on solar farms to inform opportunities for green transitions across the whole solar supply chain.

To further develop and extend our community of research and practice in Finance and Investment for Nature Positive Energy, including opportunities to expand more widely across the renewables sector.

Completed Work

Our Funding

A UKRI Grant provides funding for pilot activities to:

  • Create integrated research, business and policy communities
  • Scope challenge details and identify approaches to deliver research and baseline information
  • Develop syntheses of current knowledge and research gaps

All Outputs

Nature Positive solar investment: industry guidance

Indicators for nature-related disclosures and future markets

July, 2024